
作者: 苏明星 日期: 2024-05-21 08:12:50 籍贯: 三亚市 人气: 4067


未来的英文是future。 英 ['fju?t??(r)],美 ['fju?t??r] adj. 将来e799bee5baa. 翻译:不必为将来的需要而操心。短语:1、in future 今后 2、future tense 将来时 3、.

future in the future for the future

future表示未来、将来,是名词 没有形容词。如果你想用形容式表达 可以说成 …… of the future. 意思是未来的什么

是 in the future 还是 in future? 为什么? 如果都可以,两者有何区别? 谢谢

在未来的几年.英语:a few years in the future.

“未来”的英文为:future。future 【读音】英 [?fju:t??(r)] 美 [?fjut??] 【释义】. 今后总统将由人民选举产生,而非国民议会选出。We wondered what the future would .

future表示未来、将来,是名词 没有形容词。如果你想用形容式表达 可以说成 …… of the future. 意思是未来的什么

“未来”的英文:future 英文发音:['fju?t??] 中文释义:n. 未来;前途;期货;将来时 adj. 将来的,未来的 例句:It is a strategical task on enterprise future.这是一个事关.

未来: [ wèi lái ] 1. tomorrow 2. pending 3. future 4. approaching 5. coming 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来。 i wish you a very happy future. 2. .


my future is my dream everyone has a dream. now i'll talk about my dream i what is my dream? i often ask myself. when i was a little boy, i wanted to be a soldier with a gun .


1.I will be a singer five years later.2.It is going to snowy tomorrow.3.I will have a snowball fight with my friend next week.4.He wants to go back to China in two years.5.She will .

future 经常用于短语in the future在将来 in the near future在不远的将来



Hello! I wonder if everyone is aware of the "energy saving" and "low carbon" two words mean? I took it for granted. "Energy saving" is to save energy? " Low carbon.

work in the future work is an indispensable part of our life.everyone in a certain stage . my heart has been set on becoming an english translator.i will continue studying with .


Students in the future I think the students'7a686964616fe78988e69d8331333330323965 life in 50 years will be quite different from ours today. They will not go to school to .

The days of my future My future will be happy.I already graduated at that time from the university.I will have a stable work.I will have my family,my husband,and a lovely child.What.

The days of my future My future will be happy.I already graduated at that time from the university.I will have a stable work.I will have my family,my husband,and a lovely child.What.

(1)上面好多……国外的网站http://www.alittlehistory.com/future.htm#past(2) Life in the future Life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.It is however,possible to use .


只有对人类的强烈的爱,才能激化出一种必要力量来探求和领会生活的意义。 -----高尔基 《我的大学》 只有两种生活方式:腐烂或燃烧。胆怯而贪婪的人选择前者,勇敢.

The Plan of MY Future Until now I'm not sure if I really have interest in teaching, . 翻译:我的未来计划到现在为止我不知道是否我真的有兴趣在教学中,虽然我,作为一个.


now, people are getting richer and richer. let's think, what will the life be like in the future? in the future, we won't have to change many clothes every day. we will wear a kind of .

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